Class Evaluation
1.) To start off, what I liked about this class is I had good amount of time to research future careers , careers i didn't even know about i got to learn new stuff about them. Also, i had time to create goals i wanted to accomplish which i never did in any other class such as a life planning journal.Not only that but i got an amazing teacher who taught us right from wrong and how to be a CTR person.These are couple of stuff i liked about having this class.
2.) A Couple of stuff i dislike from this class was that i had to be sitting down the whole time.Also, was that whenever we got free time it was just the last 5 mins of class ofcourse that was a little bit of time.Another thing i dislike about this class was that we couldn't hear music with our headphones that sucked alot.
3.) Some recommendations i'll give out to help improve this class is that whenever we do the career researching and write about it ,it's always quite you should let the students use their headphones just to hear music.Also, you should provide the students with more free time not just 5 mins.
4.) Some highlights from this class to me was that the class was very interesting i learned new things.Also, when the teacher would play us life lessons videos from right and wrong it taught me alot.
5.)I believe i did my best in this class,the reason i believe this is because i most of the time did what i was told i never got switched seats for talking a lot.
6.) I do, the reason i read my goal planning journal is because I think about my goals and future plans every day.Although, I might not read them often from my book but I make more along my way.