Thursday, February 2, 2017

Student success statement
‘’Even if everyone is doing it,WRONG IS NEVER RIGHT”
-Russell M. Nelson
To start off, I totally agree with this quote and Russell saying.I agree with this quote because he is correct even if everyone is doing something that isn't right and you just wanna copy and try to be cool someone that isn't you is the wrong because what they are doing can affect their body like drugs what if a lot of people like your friends are doing drugs and so you do too you're just affecting your body and choosing to do the wrong.Dont believe that what they are doing is right so you do it too because now you're just dumb and wrong you know from right to wrong and doing something that everyone does is wrong especially when it comes to drugs are other bad things like stealing or behaving bad. Behaving bad is another example for this quote if you see peo;le in class behaving bad and you start to behave bad well gues what you are doing the wrong choosing to belieb is the righ.Dont be a follower and do what others do espcailly when its the wrong becuase consquences act up to those wrong chooses or can follow you for the rest of your life.So always choose the RIGHT and not the WRONG be  CTR person.


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